

  • Let’s make your applications portable and efficient with the right containerization strategy.

Deploy faster with portability and reliability.

When you need to deploy applications quickly, reliably, and consistently regardless of deployment environment, containers are a popular option.

Containers store your application, plus all its dependencies, libraries and other binaries, and configuration files needed to run it, into a single package. They’re a foundation for building robust, scalable, and efficient applications, helping to eliminate potential conflicts among your development and operations teams, and facilitating DevOps and CI/CD best practices within your organization. Plus, containers provide flexible capabilities supporting your cloud migration strategy.

  • Consistency

    Containers make it possible for you to run applications regardless of your software, operating system, or hardware configurations. Whatever you package as a container locally will deploy and run the same way whether in testing or production.

  • Efficiency

    With containers, you can accelerate application delivery by running multiple applications on the same instance. You can specify the exact amount of memory, disk space, and CPU to be used by a container on an instance, and quickly create and terminate applications or tasks stored in a container to rapidly scale applications up and down.

  • Productivity

    Separating a monolithic application into multiple containers increases development velocity by allowing your team to work on different components of the application in parallel. Each application component can be broken into different containers running different microservices, enabling developers to independently upgrade each service without running into library conflicts.

  • Version control

    Containers give you the ability to track versions of your application code and their dependencies. You can easily maintain and track versions of a container, inspect differences between versions, and roll-back to previous versions.

  • Migration

    Containers are an essential capability for migrating workloads to AWS cloud.

  • Teraways Awards

Our toolkit for containers

We are experienced with all major container technologies and tools.

  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Client
  • Our client team needed to migrate a fleet of production applications from a legacy infrastructure provider to a modern, flexible, Kubernetes-based stack. The Teraways team's deep experience with Kubernetes on Amazon EKS helped us plan and execute our migration to AWS in record time.”

Contact us

Let’s talk about your container strategy.

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